Washington Island Airport

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OurAirports members at 2P2

Washington Island Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 5 visitors.

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Fly-in Fish Boil

The Lion's Club of Washington, Island holds an annual fly-in fish boil in the summer (usually, July, I think). It is a novelty, and a great event. If the wx is good, the attendance is usually excellent. BE CAUTIOUS about traffic! The event draws many people who arrive other than by air, so it is a pretty big event. Get there early, so they don't run out of food. It's excellent. What wouldn't taste great if they poured a ladle full of melted butter over it?!? Get the details online, via Google. It's worth the flight, and a neat experience.

Picture of Tony

Beautiful spot

Wonderful quiet little airport in Northern Wisconsin, out in Lake Michigan.

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