Jarvis (No.1 Bombing & Gunnery School) [CLOSED]

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OurAirports members at CA-0434

Jarvis (No.1 Bombing & Gunnery School) is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Picture of prattsoplenty

A Brief History...

Approximate position of the former BCATP Bombing and Gunnery School, which was originally an emergency landing strip for American Airlines for flights traveling between Buffalo and Detroit on the New York to Chicago route. The school was disbanded on February 17th, 1945, the runways were used as a racetrack from 1955 until 1970 and the location hosted the International Plowing Match in 1971. In 1974, Texaco Canada purchased the property and built an oil refinery that was sold to Imperial Oil in 1989. The complete history can be found in the book, Sights on Jarvis by Robert Schweyer, printed by Heronwood Enterprises.

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