Wellington Airstrip [CLOSED]

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OurAirports members at CA-0439

Wellington Airstrip is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Picture of prattsoplenty

A Brief History

Long abandoned and with no sign of a runway to be found, the only clues that this location was ever an aerodrome was the remnants of an old windsock on the shed that might have been a hangar at one time. After spotting the old windsock, a bit of research found the airstrip marked on a topographic map from the 1960's. Today, the location can be found by driving along Highway 33 between Wellington and Bloomfield and looking for the 1/2(?)-scale Vought F4U Corsair replica perched on top of an old garage. The old airstrip is across the highway on the north side of the abandoned railroad tracks.

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