Margaree Airport

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OurAirports members at CCZ4

Margaree Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 3 visitors.

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(no subject)

The dilapidated hangar (worst) has been removed. Normaway Inn is within walking distance via woods path or call and I'm sure someone will pick you up.

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Margaree Airport

Visited the airport in August 2012. Beautiful asphalt runway, nicely maintained. No aircraft visible anywhere. Small terminal building, locked, looked largely unused. Three "hangars" of which only one looked servicable. Middle hangar falling down and full of non-aviation junk, third hangar closed with what looked like municipal ditch mower parked in front. No fuel, no telephone, and some distance from accommodation. This airport is close to the famous and scenic Cabot Trail, Baddeck, and should be crown jewel. Just add gas, a beater courtesy vehicle, an open terminal/pilot lounge and it should be busy all spring and summer. One wonders who built this airport, for what, and why it is well maintained but seemingly unused. Too bad really, could be a great destination.

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Margaree Airport

Paved 2500ft length. About 60ft. wide. Clear approaches to both ends of runway.

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Margaree Airport

It looks as if it's a perfect location for air access to the Cape Breton Region.

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