Claresholm Industrial Airport

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OurAirports members at CEJ4

Claresholm Industrial Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 10 visitors.

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Picture of Caroline


What a great old airport!!! She was built in the 1940's as a British Commonwealth Air Training Plan airport for the boys to learn how to fly those big bombers!! It is sad to see most of those old gals in Alberta have disappeared........they must have been something to see all across Canada!!! Too bad that most of them have not been maintained!! CEN4 - High River has been plowed under, but Google earth still shows her triangle!!! Want to do some history search?? Go slowly over each Province and look for that tell tale triangle!!! Safe flying out there!!!! Caroline

Picture of dazuppa

Lee waves!

Been there yesterday, and man, wasn't that an example of mechanical turbulence... Brutal! My poor 172 was tossed around like a paper plane, yoke hitting the stops and ASI jumping from 60 to 100 in a blink of an eye. Twice got sucked down in a wind shear while on short final, adding full power to arrest the descent... Overall - three awesomely challenging circuits, totally worth visiting the place. And no one around that wonderful day (wondering why?)

Initially I thought that horrible turbulence was a result of the crosswind blasting over the airport buildings, but no - it was as "bumpy" all around, low and high, thanks to a bunch of irregularly-shaped hills just west of the airport, with a lee wave stuck aside of a mountain ridge nearby.

Besides that, a very nice aerodrome - easy to find, with clean approaches and lots of space around in case your engine decides to quit. Runway is in the good shape, and airport name is written on a main taxiway - very welcoming and friendly.

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