Fort Erie Airport

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Fort Erie Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 2 visitors.

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Old runways

Just spotted it while flying over this past week . Good to know in case of emergency landing is necessary

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Fort Erie Airport

This airport is no longer in service. The airfield was apart of the fleet aircraft company. When they closed down at the end of world war two the field was no longer maintained. The runway is currently in rough condition but could be used for an emergency landing for an aircraft no larger than a king air 350. The runway is 10-28. On the 28 end it has FLEET as the runway heading number.

Picture of david

re: Fort Erie Airport

According to the CFS, the western 2,350 ft portion of the runway is still in use. If you zoom in on the satellite view, you'll see a faint "28" painted about a third of the way from the east end of the runway.

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