Lydenburg Airport

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OurAirports members at FALL

Lydenburg Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 2 visitors.

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Kitty Hawk Aerodrome.

Good day,

My name is Dawie Pretorius the Airport Manager at Kitty Hawk. I am looking for the owner of Cessna aircraft ZS-SOE who visited KH fuel bay on 12/05/2019, Would like to make contact whith the pilot of that day,

My contact detail is 082-804-6979.

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Hello do you guys possibly sell small amounts of Avgas? I need to pass through there on Friday or Saturday with a helicopter.

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Welcome all Aviators to Lydenburg. My name is Louis van Rhyn 082 550 8832.We are a couple of aviators who maintains the Lydenburg Airfield . We will shortly have a Lease agreement in place which will make it possible to charge small landing fees The Fees will be payable in an Honesty Box R 30.00 per aircraft and R 30.00 per night. We dont have any security, but you are welcome to arrange should you need any assitance please feel free to contact me. All Funds are used to cut the grass, replace windsocks and maintaining the fence, to try and keep the cattle from the Runway. Safe Flying. Cheers.

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Some work done on the runway.

Please land on the grass on the western side of the excavated part.

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Cattle on runway

please note that there may sometimes be cattle on the runway, its best to do a flyby before landing

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