Katama Airpark

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OurAirports members at 1B2

Katama Airpark is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 17 visitors.

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About Katama Airfield

Since 1924, Katama is one of those special airports: it's located right at Martha's Vineyard South Beach and there is a special parking area right at the beach - get out of your airplane, cross the road and you are at the ocean. There is a nice diner on the field, called the Right Fork Diner - you can enjoy a meal while watching aircraft land and take off on runway 03/21. And if you want to go into Edgartown there is a bus that runs every 15 minutes during the summer season - $1 each way.

Picture of david


Here are some videos of landing, takeoff, and the nearby town from private pilot Rori Stumpf, who flew in on 11 August 2007:




The first one includes taxi into parking, and gives a good overview of the airport.

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