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Picture of ptomblin

re: Probable incorrect location for base

Reply to @prattsoplenty: The Wikipedia link goes to a Wikimapia article about the Navy base, not the seaplane base. Not sure if I'd trust that. Skyvector shows the point pretty close to where we already had it. http://skyvector.com/?ll=53.399114444,-167.5519&chart=301&zoom=3

Picture of prattsoplenty

re: Probable incorrect location for base

I found another mention of Chernofski Harbor (link in the pilot info under Wikipedia page) and moved the location to that area.

Picture of

Probable incorrect location for base

The symbol is atop a hill beside Mailboat Cove, Chernofski, AK. There's nothing up on that hill except grass and crowberry. The ranch buildings can be seen in bottom of aerial photo if one pans cursor that way. The ruins of US military WWII infrastructure is to right, in the northern part of Mutton Cove, an appendix (if you will) of Mailboat Cove with together with Mailboat Cove comprise Chernofski Bay or Harbor. On the hillside above NE corner of Mutton Cove are a hydrant and other remains of US Military presence. There's also a pier and slaughterhouse in that corner and, finally, a little bit left of the coal pile the military put there to heat the place.

I spent January 2010 up there and became quite familiar with the layout.

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