Guyancourt Airport [CLOSED]

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OurAirports members at LFPR

Guyancourt Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Picture of ptomblin


It sure doesn't look like an airport in the satellite photo.

Picture of david

re: Closed?

I agree, Paul. The Great Circle Mapper also has this airport, at almost the same location:

On the other hand, the 2008-06 ICAO Location Indicators doc no longer lists LFPR, so it looks pretty likely that it's closed. Can anyone confirm when the airport shut down? I've tagged it with my "fixme" tag for now, so that I'll remember to come back to it.

Picture of david

re: Closed?

Yes, the airport closed in 1989. It was actually a well-known airport before that. I found the information in the French Wikipedia.

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