Big Bend Ranch State Park Airport

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OurAirports members at 3T9

Big Bend Ranch State Park Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 2 visitors.

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Picture of TXRuss

Nice strip, tie downs and great bunkhouse accomodations

Landed here in April 2018 and found the strip in good shape with solid tie downs. No fbo/fuel, etc., but the Park Ranger will come pick you up and take you over to the visitor center and bunkhouse. Just make a low pass near the visitor center about 1/2 mile west of the strip, then land... the will come pick you up in about 15 minutes. They were very nice, helpful and accommodating. The bunkhouse is quite nice... full cooking facilities, comfortable mens and women's bunks, hot showers and restroom, refrigerators and freezers, etc. No restaurants so you have to bring your own food and drinks. They do sell ice, a few snacks and some drinks at the visitor center.

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