Domodedovo International Airport

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OurAirports members at DME

Domodedovo International Airport is the home base for 7 OurAirports members. It has had 119 visitors.

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Picture of Silvanus_Tauris

Moscow Domodedovo Airport

Domodedovo Airport is an international airport serving Moscow, the capital of Russia. It is located in Domodedovo, Moscow Oblast, 42 kilometres south-southeast from the city centre of Moscow. Domodedovo Airport is one of the four major Moscow airports, one of the largest airports in Russia, and the eighth-busiest airport in Europe. In 2017, it served 30.7 million passengers, an increase of 7.6% compared to 2016, making it the second busiest airport in Russia, after the main primary airport serving Moscow, Sheremetyevo International Airport.

In 2019, a naming contest and a presidential decree was taken place, which renamed the airport after the Russian scientist, Mikhail Lomonosov.

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