Paro International Airport

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OurAirports members at PBH

Paro International Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 16 visitors.

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about the status of flight

when we check the status of departed flights from ktm, how are we supposed to know when it lands at paro? The update you provide is not sufficient

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very closs bhutan bangladesh and nepal airport

saidpur to bhadrapur(nepal) 125k:m: and saidpur to paro (bhutan)190 k:m:. but thakurgaon airport is very very important place. thakurgaon to nepal (bhadrapur) distance 70k:m: and thakurgaon to (bhutan) very cheap rate to nice journey.

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I believe that landing at Paro is one of the most difficult in the world as u have to negotiate the valley and adjacent hills and sometimes turbulent cross winds

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