Mount Beauty Airport

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OurAirports members at YMBT

Mount Beauty Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 4 visitors.

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Picture of GlasairSportsman

Attended the opening

Attended the opening of this airfield in a Dragon Rapide, DH89a

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Mount Beauty

Once landed you can walk up to the town centre - great Bakeries etc. and Mount Beauty is a nice town especially on a blue sky day!

Picture of prattsoplenty

Operational Remarks

Runway 14/32 300m south end sealed. Righthand circuits for landing RWY32. Southeast threshold permanently displaced 220m. Powerlines at southeast end. High ground 2300 feet 1nm to southeast. Due to terrain takeoff RWY 14 not permitted.

Picture of

Visit was ok

Sealed strip. Very scenic flight through the valley to get there. The town is real close nested at the foothills of the mountains. It is also a dead end so a plane that has good turning and climbing capability is a bonus to have in case of a go-around. Worth a daytrip or a overnight stay if you are into the tranquillity thing. I get the feeling that it is best to go there during summer though. I could not find any Avgas there.

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Incorrect Elevation

YMBT is actually 1100' AMSL. Refer ERSA, plus I've landed there.

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