
Show all search results for "Rasgovindpur Odisha India" (including seaplane bases, heliports, and closed airports)

Search results for "Rasgovindpur Odisha India" (excluding heliports, seaplane bases, and closed airports)

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small airport marker

Utkela Airport

Bhawanipatna, Odisha, India

small airport marker

Birasal Airport

Rahani, Odisha, India

small airport marker

Therubali Aerodrome

Deopur, Odisha, India

small airport marker

Berhampur Airport

Berhampur (Brahmapur), Odisha, India

small airport marker

delete or reuse

Delhi, India, Delhi (National Capital Territory), India

big airport marker

(Duplicate}Maharishi Valmiki International Airport

Faizabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, Uttar Pradesh, India