Public forecast
Using degrees Fahrenheit for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Wallace State College Heliport
Closest report is Cullman Regional Airport-Folsom Field, 12.6 nm (23.3 km) NNW.
2025/02/10 00:15 (retrieved 5 minutes ago)
KCMD 100015Z AUTO 34008G16KT 320V020 10SM OVC016 06/04 A3024 RMK AO2
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Wallace State College Heliport
Closest forecast is Birmingham-Shuttlesworth International Airport, 30.3 nm (56.1 km) S.
2025/02/10 00:45 (retrieved 0 seconds ago)
TAF KBHM 092340Z 1000/1024 36006KT P6SM OVC017 FM100200 36005KT P6SM OVC020 FM101200 01005KT P6SM OVC040