Airports near Amazon Bay Airport

Airports 351 to 400

closed airport marker

Kaesah Airstrip

Kaesah, Papua Selatan (South Papua), Indonesia 1072 km (579 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Suavanao Airport

Suavanao, Isabel Province, Solomon Islands 1074 km (580 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Okaba Airport

Okaba, Papua Selatan (South Papua), Indonesia 1083 km (585 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Yandina Airport

Yandina, Central Province, Solomon Islands 1091 km (589 nm) E

small airport marker

Bade Airport

Bade, Papua Selatan (South Papua), Indonesia 1126 km (608 nm) WNW


small airport marker

Bellona/Anua Airport

Anua, Rennell and Bellona Province, Solomon Islands 1147 km (619 nm) E


small airport marker

Fera/Maringe Airport

Fera Island, Isabel Province, Solomon Islands 1149 km (620 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Babanakira Airport

Mbambanakira, Guadalcanal Province, Solomon Islands 1151 km (621 nm) E


small airport marker

Mina Wanam Airport

Wanam, Papua Selatan (South Papua), Indonesia 1164 km (628 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Kepi Airport

Kepi, Papua Selatan (South Papua), Indonesia 1177 km (635 nm) WNW


big airport marker

Honiara International Airport

Honiara, Guadalcanal Province, Solomon Islands 1177 km (636 nm) E

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small airport marker

Rennell/Tingoa Airport

Rennell Island, Rennell and Bellona Province, Solomon Islands 1179 km (636 nm) E

small airport marker

Kimaam Airport

Kimaam, Papua Selatan (South Papua), Indonesia 1179 km (637 nm) WNW


heliport marker

Tulaghi Heliport

Tulaghi Island, Central Province, Solomon Islands 1192 km (643 nm) E

closed airport marker

Anuha Island Resort Airport

Anhua Island, Central Province, Solomon Islands 1202 km (649 nm) E

small airport marker

Avu Avu Airport

Guadalcanal Province, Solomon Islands 1213 km (655 nm) E

small airport marker

Gwaunaru'u Airport

Auki, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands 1256 km (678 nm) E


small airport marker

Marau Airport

Marau, Guadalcanal Province, Solomon Islands 1258 km (679 nm) E

small airport marker

Kwailabesi Airport

Kwailabesi, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands 1273 km (687 nm) E

small airport marker

Manaoba Airport

Manaoba, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands 1276 km (689 nm) E

small airport marker

Afutara Aerodrome

Bila, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands 1278 km (690 nm) E

small airport marker

Uru Harbour Airport

Atoifi, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands 1289 km (696 nm) E


closed airport marker

Tarapaina Airport

Tarapaina, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands 1320 km (713 nm) E

small airport marker

Parasi Airport

Parasi, Malaita Province, Solomon Islands 1325 km (715 nm) E

small airport marker

Ngorangora Airport

Kirakira, Makira-Ulawa Province, Solomon Islands 1373 km (741 nm) E

small airport marker

Cape Wessels Airport

Northern Territory, Australia 1376 km (743 nm) W


medium airport marker

Gove Airport

Nhulunbuy, Northern Territory, Australia 1382 km (746 nm) W

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small airport marker

Ulawa Airport

Arona, Makira-Ulawa Province, Solomon Islands 1384 km (747 nm) E

small airport marker

Gunyangara Airstrip

Gunyangara, Northern Territory, Australia 1394 km (752 nm) W


small airport marker

Nana Airport

Star Harbor, Makira-Ulawa Province, Solomon Islands 1407 km (759 nm) E

small airport marker

Buymarr Airport

Buymarr, Northern Territory, Australia 1409 km (761 nm) WSW


small airport marker

Barrkira Airport

Barrkira, Northern Territory, Australia 1416 km (764 nm) W


small airport marker

Birany Birany Airfield

Northern Territory, Australia 1429 km (771 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Dhalinbuy Airport

Northern Territory, Australia 1431 km (772 nm) W


small airport marker

Santa Ana Airport

Santa Ana Island, Makira-Ulawa Province, Solomon Islands 1434 km (774 nm) E


small airport marker

Rorruwuy airport

Rorruwuy, Northern Territory, Australia 1437 km (776 nm) W


small airport marker

Matamata airport

Matamata, Northern Territory, Australia 1438 km (777 nm) W


small airport marker

Yinyikay airport

Yinyikay, Northern Territory, Australia 1444 km (780 nm) W


small airport marker

Mudhamul Airport

Mudhamul, Northern Territory, Australia 1450 km (783 nm) W


small airport marker

Cape Shield (Djarrakpi) Airport

East Arnhem, Northern Territory, Australia 1451 km (783 nm) WSW

medium airport marker

Groote Eylandt Airport

Groote Eylandt, Northern Territory, Australia 1458 km (787 nm) WSW

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small airport marker

Baniyala Airport

Baniyala, Northern Territory, Australia 1463 km (790 nm) WSW

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small airport marker

Dhuruputjpl Airport

Dhuruputjpl, Northern Territory, Australia 1465 km (791 nm) WSW


small airport marker

Milyakburra Airport

Bickerton Island, Northern Territory, Australia 1479 km (799 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Gan Gan Airport

Gan Gan, Northern Territory, Australia 1489 km (804 nm) WSW


small airport marker

Lake Evella Airport

Northern Territory, Australia 1494 km (807 nm) W


small airport marker

Balma Airfield

Northern Territory, Australia 1504 km (812 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Baygurrtji Airfield

Northern Territory, Australia 1505 km (812 nm) WSW

small airport marker

Raymangirr Airport

Northern Territory, Australia 1509 km (815 nm) W

medium airport marker

Elcho Island Airport

Elcho Island, Northern Territory, Australia 1513 km (817 nm) W

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