Airports near Hartenstein-Thierfeld Ultralight Airfield

Airports 101 to 150

small airport marker

Zell-Haidberg Airfield

Zell im Fichtelgebirge, Bavaria, Germany 86 km (46 nm) SW


heliport marker

Fichtelgebirge Hospital Marktredwitz Heliport

Marktredwitz, Bavaria, Germany 86 km (46 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Titschendorf Airfield

Wurzbach, Thuringia, Germany 87 km (47 nm) WSW

heliport marker

Dresden University Hospital Heliport

Dresden, Saxony, Germany 88 km (47 nm) ENE

heliport marker

Dresden Elbwiesen Heliport

Dresden, Saxony, Germany 88 km (47 nm) ENE

big airport marker

Leipzig/Halle Airport

Schkeuditz, Saxony, Germany 88 km (47 nm) NNW

2 50

small airport marker

Bezdružice Airstrip

Bezdružice, Plzeň Region, Czech Republic 88 km (47 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Kříženec Planá Airfield

Planá, Plzeň Region, Czech Republic 89 km (48 nm) S


heliport marker

Robert Koch Hospital Heliport

Apolda, Thuringia, Germany 90 km (48 nm) WNW

small airport marker

Tröstau Glider Field

Tröstau, Bavaria, Germany 90 km (48 nm) SW

small airport marker

Usti Nad Labem Airfield

Usti Nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic 90 km (49 nm) E


heliport marker

Tirschenreuth Hospital Heliport

Tirschenreuth, Bavaria, Germany 91 km (49 nm) SSW

medium airport marker

Dresden Airport

Dresden, Saxony, Germany 91 km (49 nm) NE

1 49

heliport marker

Weißer Hirsch Hospital Heliport

Dresden, Saxony, Germany 92 km (49 nm) ENE

heliport marker

Dresden Federal Police Heliport

Dresden, Saxony, Germany 92 km (49 nm) NE

small airport marker

Merseburg Airfield

Merseburg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany 92 km (49 nm) NW


closed airport marker

Eilenburg Airfield

Eilenburg, Saxony, Germany 92 km (49 nm) N

small airport marker

Tirschenreuth Airfield

Tirschenreuth, Bavaria, Germany 92 km (49 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Pirna-Pratzschwitz Airfield

Pirna, Saxony, Germany 92 km (50 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Zwochau Cropduster Strip

Wiedemar, Saxony, Germany 92 km (50 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Großenhain Airfield

Großenhain, Saxony, Germany 93 km (50 nm) NE


small airport marker

Laucha Airfield

Laucha an der Unstrut, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany 93 km (50 nm) NW


heliport marker

Thuringia Hospital Saalfeld Heliport

Saalfeld/Saale, Thuringia, Germany 94 km (50 nm) W

heliport marker

Masaryk Hospital Heliport

Ústí nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic 94 km (51 nm) E

small airport marker

Brodau Cropduster Strip

Delitsch, Saxony, Germany 94 km (51 nm) NNW

heliport marker

Ústí nad Labem Regional Air Rescue Service Heliport

Ústí nad Labem, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic 94 km (51 nm) E

heliport marker

Pirna Hospital Heliport

Pirna, Saxony, Germany 94 km (51 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Weimar-Umpferstedt Airfield

Umpferstedt, Thuringia, Germany 95 km (51 nm) WNW


small airport marker

Laussig Agricultural Airstrip

Laussig, Saxony, Germany 95 km (51 nm) N

heliport marker


Tisá, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic 95 km (51 nm) E

small airport marker

Rakovnik Airfield

Rakovnik, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 96 km (52 nm) SE


heliport marker

Hospital Heliport

Rakovník, Central Bohemian Region, Czech Republic 97 km (52 nm) SE

small airport marker

Plasy Rybnice Airfield

Plasy, Plzeň Region, Czech Republic 97 km (52 nm) SSE


small airport marker

Kralovice Airstrip

Plzeň Region, Czech Republic 97 km (52 nm) SE

small airport marker

Tachov Airfield

Tachov, Plzeň Region, Czech Republic 97 km (52 nm) S

small airport marker

Panensky Tynec Airfield

Panensky Tynec, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic 97 km (52 nm) ESE


heliport marker

BG Hospital Bergmannstrost Halle Heliport

Halle (Saale), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany 99 km (53 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Erpužice Airfield

Erpužice, Plzeň Region, Czech Republic 100 km (54 nm) SSE


heliport marker

Sophien and Hufeland Hospital Weimar Heliport

Weimar, Thuringia, Germany 100 km (54 nm) WNW

heliport marker

Torgau District Hospital Heliport

Torgau, Saxony, Germany 100 km (54 nm) NNE

heliport marker

Asklepios ASB Hospital Radeberg Heliport

Radeberg, Saxony, Germany 100 km (54 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Roitzschjora Airfield

Roitzschjora, Saxony, Germany 101 km (54 nm) N


small airport marker

Bad Bibra Airfield

Finne, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany 101 km (54 nm) NW


small airport marker

Rudolstadt-Groschwitz Airfield

Rudolstadt, Thuringia, Germany 101 km (54 nm) W

heliport marker

Sankt Elisabeth and Sankt Barbara Hospital Halle (Saale) Heliport

Halle (Saale), Saxony-Anhalt, Germany 101 km (55 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Erbendorf Airfield

Erbendorf, Bavaria, Germany 102 km (55 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Torgau-Beilrode Airfield

Beilrode, Saxony, Germany 102 km (55 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Bad Berka Airfield

Bad Berka, Thuringia, Germany 102 km (55 nm) WNW


small airport marker

Radovesice Airfield

Radovesice, Ústí nad Labem Region, Czech Republic 103 km (55 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Falkenberg-Lönnewitz Airfield

Mühlberg, Brandenburg, Germany 104 km (56 nm) NNE