Słupsk-Krȩpa Airfield problem reports

If you don't see your problem listed for Słupsk-Krȩpa Airfield, please report it here.

1 open 1 total

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Wrong airport information (name, codes, frequencies, runways, etc)

If you search for airport EPSR, your website properly shows the new airport code, which is EPSK: https://ourairports.com/airports/EPSR/

But if you look at the airport CSV data, it still has EPSK as a separate, closed airport: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/davidmegginson/ourairports-data/main/airports.csv

Should the two airport records be merged?

Here's the official airport documentation: https://www.ais.pansa.pl/vfr/pliki/EP_AD_4_EPSK_en.pdf



2023-04-10 17:43:28 open