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In mothballs

This airport can not be used due to an exclusive contract given to the airport in Tirana. When that contract ends its chocks away ! The German company who developed Tirana wisely did not want competition. As Tirana reaches capacity this argument may be seen as dog in the manger.

Picture of david

Airport status?

This was intended to be Albania's second airport with scheduled civil airline service, but some of the comments suggest that things aren't quite working out. Here's Google Translate's (not so great) attempt at translating the Albanian-language comments below (oldest to newest):

"Kukes": do not understand why it is not a airoport such work but should be left at the mercy of fate is all north of Albania who can use ......

"uran uka" (uranium boom): The ndertojete airport in Kukes is a good thing ......................................... .............

"Mendimet e mija" (My thoughts): S SOPI GOSTIL

A Arirport so good and beautiful, especially at night by colored lights, and vihvet not at work, there is something good by the state, who have need for this aireport all Albanians of the north and Kosovo .... ...........

"eshte nje nevoj njerezore" (is a human need): would be better that these comments that we are giving, go to the right ear because this is a national loss but also the first time is a precise mosvleresim Albanian government in the management of this airporti. would be a great help for the area of the northern and south western Kosovo wide. and a fact that is very real in economine Albanian, would have enabled many families and help areas for about employing their relatives.

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eshte nje nevoj njerezore

do te ishte me mire qe keto komente qe ne po japim, te shkojne ne veshin e duhur sepse kjo eshte nje humbje kombetare ne rradhe te pare por gjithashtu eshte nje mosvleresim i sakte i qeverise shqiptare ne manaxhimin e ketij airporti. do te ishte nje ndihme e madhe per te gjithe zonen e veriut dhe te gjithe kosoven jug perendimore. dhe nje fakt qe eshte shume real ne economine shqipetare, do te kishte mundesuar dhe ndihmuar shume familje te zonave per rreth duke punesuar te afermit e tyre.

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Mendimet e mija


Nje Arirport kaq i mire dhe i bukur, sidomos natet nga dritat me ngjyra, dhe nuk vihvet ne pune, nuk eshte diqka e mire nga ana e shtetit, qe per ket aireport kan nevoj te gjithe SHqiptaret e veriut dhe te kosoves...............

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uran uka

Te ndertojete airport ne kukes eshte dicka e mire......................................................

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nuk e kuptoj pse nuk vihet ne pune nje airoport i tille por duhet te lihet ne meshire te fatit eshte gjith veriu i shqiperise qe mund ta shfrytezoje ......

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