Niokolo-Koba Airport problem report #5355 (resolved)

(See all problem reports for Niokolo-Koba Airport.)

Duplicate airport

Date/time Member Status Additional information
2022-11-14 08:35:35 @system resolved

All duplicate GPS and IATI codes resolved

2021-11-05 18:07:10 @david resolved

Nika airport's OurAirports ident is now AR-0256, so no conflict, and it lists NIK only as a local code (not IATA).

2021-05-03 11:14:01 Anonymous flyer open

NIK is duplicated in twice your database.

REF: 331741, IDENT: NIK, NAME: Niokolo-Koba Airport

REF: 38931, IDENT: NIK, NAME: Nika Airport