Weather at Juradó Airport

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Juradó Airport

Report is more than 6 hours old.

Closest report is José Celestino Mutis Airport, 55.8 nm (103.4 km) SSE.

2024/09/13 23:00 (retrieved 16 hours ago)

SKBS 132300Z AUTO 17003KT //// ////// 27/25 Q1008

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Juradó Airport

Closest forecast is Jose Maria Córdova International Airport, 147.8 nm (273.8 km) ESE.

2024/09/14 12:53 Ammendment (retrieved 3 hours ago)

TAF AMD SKRG 141210Z 1412/1512 VRB02KT 9999 SCT010 BECMG 1413/1415 12010KT TEMPO 1418/1422 SCT020TCU BECMG 1501/1502 VRB02KT TEMPO 1508/1512 DZ BCFG 4000 BKN010 TX24/1419Z TN12/1510Z