Alice Springs Airport

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OurAirports members at ASP

Alice Springs Airport is the home base for 1 OurAirports member. It has had 37 visitors.

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Picture of Javelin

Unknown airport 25km NW of Alice

There is an unmarked airport 25km NW of Alice Springs, about 16km west of Bonds Airport, on the Tanami Rd (5), 23 31 22.20S, 133 40 45E. Any idea what it is? Thanks.

Picture of

re: Unknown airport 25km NW of Alice

Reply to @Javelin:

It is not an airport. It is an antenna array associated with the Jindalee RADAR (JORN) facility.

Picture of ptomblin

re: Unknown airport 25km NW of Alice

I can see why the confusion, though. If you zoom in on the long narrow strip of land that looks like a runway, those X things do kind of look like airplanes. Zoom in a bit further, and it becomes obvious they're not, however.

Picture of jordan200

cool art

The aboriginal art is very cool inside the airport. It's a shame there's no viewing area for passengers inside the terminal.

Picture of Ozguy


Birthplace of Connellan Airlines.

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