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OurAirports members at YCAA

Calga NDB is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Picture of RSCU521

No airport. Site owned by ASA

I have flown this area a fair bit and I can confirm that there is no airport, airstrip, or helipad but rather just a site owned by Airservices Australia using it for meteorological studies and as a sub station. To confirm the comment ‘Looks Like an NDB to me!’, I believe it was used as an NDB for all local aircraft back in the 70s on approach to YSSY (Sydney Airport).

Picture of

Calga Airport

why is it listed ?? There is nothing there ??

Picture of david

re: Calga Airport

Can't see an airport in the satellite imagery, despite the ICAO listing for YCAA. Marking as "closed" until someone can confirm that it actually (still) exists.

Picture of

Looks Like an NDB to me!

Not really an airport

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