Dunolly Airport

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OurAirports members at YDLL

Dunolly Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Picture of ptomblin

Re: Dunolly

I have my doubts about several of the airports that came from that particular user. I've got 529 Australian airports from him, so I'm reluctant to delete them all, but I'm also reluctant to verify them all.

Picture of

Dunolly airstrip

So where is it? The coordinates seem to put me into a hillside of trees.

I can't seem to locate the airstrip in the surrounding area even though Google Earth is high definition.

sincerely, Wesley wdalefamily@hotmail.com

Picture of david

re: Dunolly airstrip

I agree -- I can find no evidence anywhere that this airport exists. It came in some user-supplied data from navaid.com, but I'll probably delete it unless someone has a better source.

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