Airports near Millrose Homestead Airport

Airports 1,051 to 1,100

small airport marker

Rosella Plains Airport

Rosella Plains, Queensland, Australia 2569 km (1387 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Boatman Airport

Queensland, Australia 2572 km (1388 nm) E


small airport marker

Oakvale Airport

Queensland, Australia 2572 km (1389 nm) E

small airport marker

Euabalong private airstrip

Euabalong, New South Wales, Australia 2575 km (1390 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Brewarrina airstrip

Brewarrina, New South Wales, Australia 2577 km (1391 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Wirralie Airport

Queensland, Australia 2579 km (1393 nm) E

small airport marker

Conjuboy Airport

Queensland, Australia 2585 km (1395 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Branglebar station airstrip

The Marra, New South Wales, Australia 2590 km (1398 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Wyandotte Airport

Queensland, Australia 2590 km (1399 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Drummondslope Airstrip

Drummondslope QLD 4724, Queensland, Australia 2591 km (1399 nm) E


small airport marker

Caldervale Station Airport

Queensland, Australia 2591 km (1399 nm) E

small airport marker

Byra Airefield

Byra, Queensland, Australia 2596 km (1401 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Alpha Airport

Alpha, Queensland, Australia 2596 km (1402 nm) E


small airport marker

Greenvale Airport

Queensland, Australia 2597 km (1402 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Lucky Downs Airport

Queensland, Australia 2599 km (1403 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Morven Airport

Queensland, Australia 2602 km (1405 nm) E


small airport marker

Doongmabulla Airport

Queensland, Australia 2605 km (1406 nm) E


small airport marker

Laglan airstrip

Laglan, Queensland, Australia 2609 km (1409 nm) E


small airport marker

Nyngan Airport

New South Wales, Australia 2610 km (1409 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Miralwyn Airport

New South Wales, Australia 2610 km (1409 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Goodooga Airport

New South Wales, Australia 2613 km (1411 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Toomba Airport

Queensland, Australia 2613 km (1411 nm) E

small airport marker

Albro Station Airstrip

Laglan, Queensland, Australia 2618 km (1414 nm) E

small airport marker

Labona Airport

Carmichael Coal Mine, Queensland, Australia 2618 km (1414 nm) E


small airport marker

Valley of Lagoons Airport

Queensland, Australia 2619 km (1414 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Upper Warrego Airstrip

Babbiloora, Queensland, Australia 2621 km (1415 nm) E

small airport marker

Bollon Airport

Queensland, Australia 2624 km (1417 nm) E


small airport marker

Torres Park Homestead Airport

Queensland, Australia 2624 km (1417 nm) E

small airport marker

Albeni Station Airport

Mantuan Downs, Queensland, Australia 2626 km (1418 nm) E

small airport marker

Natal Downs Airport

Queensland, Australia 2627 km (1418 nm) E


heliport marker

Condobolin Helicopter Landing Site

Condobolin, New South Wales, Australia 2628 km (1419 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Brewon Airport

Carinda, New South Wales, Australia 2629 km (1419 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Trelawney Airport

Queensland, Australia 2629 km (1420 nm) E

small airport marker

Cungelella Airport

Mantuan Downs, Queensland, Australia 2631 km (1421 nm) E

small airport marker

Condobolin Airport

New South Wales, Australia 2633 km (1422 nm) ESE

1 3

small airport marker

Laglan Airport

Queensland, Australia 2634 km (1422 nm) E

small airport marker

Tottenham Airport

New South Wales, Australia 2635 km (1422 nm) ESE

1 1

small airport marker

Port Wine Airstrip

Port Wine, Queensland, Australia 2637 km (1424 nm) E

small airport marker

Abbieglassie Airstrip

Abbieglassie, Northern Territory, Australia 2639 km (1425 nm) E

small airport marker

Attica State Forest Airstrip

Attica State Forest, Queensland, Australia 2644 km (1427 nm) E


small airport marker

Mantuan Downs Airport

Mantuan Downs, Queensland, Australia 2645 km (1428 nm) E

small airport marker

Hillgrove Airport

Queensland, Australia 2646 km (1429 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Buttabone Airport

New South Wales, Australia 2646 km (1429 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Belyando Airstrip

Moray Downs, Queensland, Australia 2647 km (1429 nm) E

small airport marker

Camel Creek Airport

Queensland, Australia 2647 km (1429 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Carinda Airport

New South Wales, Australia 2648 km (1430 nm) ESE

medium airport marker

West Wyalong Airport

West Wyalong, New South Wales, Australia 2649 km (1430 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Oxley Station Airport

New South Wales, Australia 2653 km (1432 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Fairholme airstrip

Fairholme NSW 2871, New South Wales, Australia 2653 km (1432 nm) ESE


small airport marker

Hebel airstrip

Hebel, Queensland, Australia 2654 km (1433 nm) ESE