Runway 18/36 840m fence to fence. Strip is located east side of Mt. Buffalo in Buckland Valley. Gradient 1.25% down to north. Caution traffic uses access road which crosses strip at north end. Due to gradients and trees on south boundary, preferred direction is 18 for landing and 36 for takeoffs. Otherwise operating length is
720m. Airfield activities include ultralights and microlights, models, hang gliders. Paragliding and car/winch towing.
Hilly and tight. Very scenic. Airfield is fairly well maintained, had toilets. Grass strip was bumpy. Once I got there I found little there to do. Could not find Avgas there.
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Operational Remarks
🔗 Mon, 18 Jul 2011
— @prattsoplenty at Porepunkah Airport, Australia Reply
Runway 18/36 840m fence to fence. Strip is located east side of Mt. Buffalo in Buckland Valley. Gradient 1.25% down to north. Caution traffic uses access road which crosses strip at north end. Due to gradients and trees on south boundary, preferred direction is 18 for landing and 36 for takeoffs. Otherwise operating length is
720m. Airfield activities include ultralights and microlights, models, hang gliders. Paragliding and car/winch towing.
Hello Porepunkah
🔗 Sun, 23 Jan 2011
— Anonymous Flyer at Porepunkah Airport, Australia Reply
Hilly and tight. Very scenic. Airfield is fairly well maintained, had toilets. Grass strip was bumpy. Once I got there I found little there to do. Could not find Avgas there.