Member profile for @Mokh317

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Laghouat - Molay Ahmed Medeghri Airport
Laghouat, Laghouat Province, Algeria


An avid aviation lover and a PPL Holder, love everything about aviation. It all started when was working as an operations and logistics support for Oil and gaz operators which inclulded supervising airstrips in remote desert areas like that of Gara Brune in Ohanet, Algeria. I then moved to the second gear and got launched in the famous world of flight simulation which was the main driving engine that led me to where I am now. I am now planning to go ahead and get my CPL.

Frontiers of @Mokh317's travels

Adrar, Algeria

Adrar, Algeria

Adrar, Algeria

Adrar, Algeria

@Mokh317's stats

Joined Mon, 30 Sep 2024.

Visited 1 airport.

Posted 0 comments.

Added 0 new airports.

Edited 0 airports.