Member profile for @luxembourger

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Luxembourg-Findel International Airport
Luxembourg, Luxembourg, Luxembourg


I joined the Belgian Air Cadets at the age of 15, where I learned in a military environment to become a glider (soaring) pilot. In the late 80's when I started working, I took motor-flying lessons and became a private pilot. I've been flying to many places in Western Europe since, always looking to discover new places and enjoying beautiful sights. Since 2005, I've been 4 times to the US for a flying trip...a new world opened for me. Nowadays, I'm in my early 50's and still enjoy flying with the same excitement from the time I was a teenager

Frontiers of @luxembourger's travels

Genk, Belgium

Genk, Belgium

Spa, Belgium

Spa, Belgium

@luxembourger's stats

Joined Sun, 25 Oct 2015.

Visited 2 airports.

Posted 1 comment.

Added 0 new airports.

Edited 0 airports.