Merritt Island Airport

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OurAirports members at COI

Merritt Island Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 21 visitors.

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KCOI is a hotspot for student pilots, whether it's you're home airport or you're doing cross-country. It only has one runway (11-29), which makes life so much easier when you're starting out. The final approach for 29 is over the water, which is insanely fun because it's almost makes you feel like you're landing on an aircraft carrier. Sometimes the traffic can be hectic, so keep your scan up, follow the CTAF procedures, and make ALL of your calls. A CFI I know insists on calling it "Scare-itt Island" because of the goofy stuff pilots sometimes do in the pattern, but it's not that bad if you fly safe.

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