Raleigh East Airport problem report #8781 (open)

(See all problem reports for Raleigh East Airport.)

Wrong airport information (name, codes, frequencies, runways, etc)

Date/time Member Status Additional information
2023-11-28 18:27:29 @Bill35 open

FAA identifier has been changed. IDENT should be changed!

2023-10-06 20:19:19 @walkerboh2112 open

Can you update the CSV by setting IDENT = W17 (instead of 9NC0) where ID = 15841

Thank you.

2023-05-26 17:46:24 @walkerboh2112 open

Your CSV file lists Raleigh East Airport as 9NC0. However, 9NC0 is a heliport out near Charlotte, NC. The correct airport identifier is W17: https://www.google.com/maps/place/35%C2%B047'51.8%22N+78%C2%B026'13.2%22W/@35.8021686,-78.439285,17.29z/data=!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d35.797722!4d-78.43701?entry=ttu

Currently, the CSV file does not list W17 at all. If you don't mind letting me know if/when you update this, I would appreciate it as I have a client that would like to see the correction made so he doesn't have to manually change the airport name for every flight on our system. Thank you!