Nicosia International Airport [CLOSED]

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OurAirports members at CY-NIC

Nicosia International Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 3 visitors.

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Picture of Jasongnome

Closed in 1974

Nicosia Airport was closed in 1974, and now sits on a UN base in the Cyprus Buffer Zone. Access can be obtained only if you have a pass for the base, which won't be granted just to visit the airport, you need a reason to be there.


I have visited briefly. The building still exists and everything is left as it was when it was abandoned, there's even a derelict Air Cyprus Hawker-Siddeley Trident still there (only the shell, it's be thoroughly gutted).

Although listed as closed, the airport is used as the HQ of the UN Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus and very rare fixed wing UN flights take place. It could be argued that it is still actively used as a Heliport as active UN helicopters are based here.

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