Kamatanda Airport

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OurAirports members at FZQI

Kamatanda Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had no visits from members.

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Mauvaise position

La bonne position est à 7 kilomètres au sud de celle indiquée la piste est orientée 330 degrés et 150 degrés la longueur utilisable entre les deux croix était de 1000 mètres

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Likasi airfield

Airfield is overgrown and disused for many years.

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re: Likasi airfield

The position indicated by the marker is incorrect. The airfield is closer to town. Every year it deteriorates further and until recently there were abandoned aeroplanes in the hangars. The hangars now have no roofs. Some four aircraft were at Likasi - all are now derelict as the old flying club returns to mother nature.

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