
Show all search results for "Castelletto Stura (CN) Piedmont Italy" (including seaplane bases, heliports, and closed airports)

Search results for "Castelletto Stura (CN) Piedmont Italy" (excluding heliports, seaplane bases, and closed airports)

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big airport marker

Turin Airport

Caselle Torinese (TO), Piedmont, Italy


small airport marker


Castello D'Annone (AT), Piedmont, Italy


small airport marker


Vigone (TO), Piedmont, Italy

small airport marker

Aviosuperficie di Meggiana

Piode (VC), Piedmont, Italy

small airport marker

Campo di Volo Sant'Elia

Racconigi (CN), Piedmont, Italy


small airport marker

Campo di volo Ploia

San Giuliano Vecchio (AL), Piedmont, Italy


small airport marker

Campo di Volo Mantovana

Predosa (AL), Piedmont, Italy

small airport marker

Campo volo Val Triversa

Cantarana (AT), Piedmont, Italy

small airport marker

Aviosuperficie Alpi Marittime

Pianfei (CN), Piedmont, Italy

small airport marker

Campo di Volo Beltrutta

Pezzolo Valle Uzzone (CN), Piedmont, Italy


small airport marker

Club Volo Ultraleggeri del Canavese

Castellamonte (TO), Piedmont, Italy

small airport marker

Campo volo "Il Laghetto"

Castagnole Lanze (AT), Piedmont, Italy

medium airport marker

Biella-Cerrione Airport

Cerrione (BI), Piedmont, Italy


small airport marker

Campo Volo Falchi della Baraggia

fraz. SAN DAMIANO, Piedmont, Italy

small airport marker

Aviosuperficie Gattinara

Gattinara (VC), Piedmont, Italy

small airport marker

Aviosuperficie Boglietto

Costigliole d'Asti (AT), Piedmont, Italy


small airport marker

Ozzano private airfield

Ozzano Monferrato, Piedmont, Italy

small airport marker

Campo di Volo "Rovasenda 2000"

Rovasenda, Piedmont, Italy

small airport marker

Aviosuperficie Megolo

Pieve Vergonte, Piedmont, Italy


small airport marker

Campo di Volo Aeroteam

Casalgiate (NO), Piedmont, Italy