Airports near Skamokawa East Valley Airport

Airports 51 to 100

heliport marker

North Fork Toutle River Heliport

Toutle, Washington, United States 65 km (35 nm) E

small airport marker

R & K Skyranch Airport

Rochester, Washington, United States 66 km (35 nm) NNE

closed airport marker

Skatter Creek Airport

Rochester, Washington, United States 67 km (36 nm) NNE

seaplane base marker

Scappoose Bay Seaplane Base

Warren, Oregon, United States 69 km (37 nm) SE

small airport marker

Woodland State Airport

Woodland, Washington, United States 69 km (37 nm) SE


small airport marker

Grabhorn's Airport

Scappoose, Oregon, United States 70 km (37 nm) SE

small airport marker

Apple Valley Airport

Buxton, Oregon, United States 70 km (37 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Burnt Ridge Airstrip

Onalaska, Washington, United States 70 km (38 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Burnt Ridge Nursery Airstrip

Onalaska, Washington, United States 71 km (38 nm) ENE

closed airport marker

Tono Airport

Tenino, Washington, United States 71 km (38 nm) NE

closed airport marker

Lewis River Golf Course Airport

Woodland, Washington, United States 72 km (38 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Scappoose Industrial Airpark

Scappoose, Oregon, United States 72 km (39 nm) SE


heliport marker

Hoffstadt Viewpoint Heliport

Toutle, Washington, United States 73 km (39 nm) E

small airport marker

Wissler's Airport

Tenino, Washington, United States 73 km (39 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Sorrell Airport

Tenino, Washington, United States 73 km (39 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Grayland Intergalactic Airport

Grayland, Washington, United States 74 km (40 nm) NW

small airport marker

Chinook Ultralight Airpark

Scappoose, Oregon, United States 75 km (40 nm) SE

small airport marker

Nehalem Bay State Airport

Manzanita, Oregon, United States 75 km (40 nm) SSW


small airport marker

Chadwick Airport

Banks, Oregon, United States 75 km (40 nm) SSE

small airport marker

D and B Airpark

Elma, Washington, United States 76 km (41 nm) N

small airport marker

My Airport

Elma, Washington, United States 76 km (41 nm) N

small airport marker

Gilbert Airport

North Plains, Oregon, United States 77 km (41 nm) SSE

heliport marker

Bade Rotor and Wing Svc. Heliport

Little Rock, Washington, United States 78 km (42 nm) NNE

closed airport marker

Elma Municipal Airport

Elma, Washington, United States 78 km (42 nm) N


small airport marker

La Center View-Air Airport

La Center, Washington, United States 78 km (42 nm) ESE

closed airport marker

Montesano Airport

Montesano, Washington, United States 78 km (42 nm) NNW

heliport marker

Fire District 3 Heliport

Mossyrock, Washington, United States 79 km (42 nm) ENE

small airport marker

Rieben Airport

Banks, Oregon, United States 80 km (43 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Cricket Field

Little Rock, Washington, United States 80 km (43 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Daybreak Airport

La Center, Washington, United States 80 km (43 nm) SE

heliport marker

Summit Pacific Medical Center Heliport

Elma, Washington, United States 80 km (43 nm) N

small airport marker

Mountaindale Airport

Mountaindale, Oregon, United States 80 km (43 nm) SSE

heliport marker

Mount Saint Helens Forest Learning Center Helipad

Toutle, Washington, United States 80 km (43 nm) E

heliport marker

Fishback Heliport

Banks, Oregon, United States 80 km (43 nm) SSE

closed airport marker

Bear Canyon West Field

Morton, Washington, United States 81 km (43 nm) ENE

small airport marker

McClellan Field

Amboy, Washington, United States 81 km (44 nm) ESE

small airport marker

North Plains Gliderport

North Plains, Oregon, United States 82 km (44 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Robert L Delanoy Airport

Vancouver, Washington, United States 82 km (44 nm) SE

heliport marker

Grays Harbor Community Hospital Heliport

Aberdeen, Washington, United States 83 km (44 nm) NNW


small airport marker

Skyport Airport

Cornelius, Oregon, United States 83 km (45 nm) SSE


small airport marker

Goheen Airport

Battle Ground, Washington, United States 84 km (45 nm) SE


small airport marker

Sunset Air Strip

North Plains, Oregon, United States 84 km (45 nm) SSE

small airport marker

Becker Field

Battle Ground, Washington, United States 84 km (45 nm) SE

small airport marker

Westport Airport

Westport, Washington, United States 84 km (45 nm) NW

1 8

medium airport marker

Bowerman Airport

Hoquiam, Washington, United States 85 km (45 nm) NNW


heliport marker

US Coast Guard Station Grays Harbor Heliport

Westport, Washington, United States 85 km (46 nm) NW

small airport marker

Parkside Airpark

Battle Ground, Washington, United States 86 km (46 nm) SE

1 3

heliport marker

Olympia Heliport

Olympia, Washington, United States 86 km (46 nm) NNE

medium airport marker

Olympia Regional Airport

Olympia, Washington, United States 86 km (46 nm) NNE

1 28

closed airport marker

Northwest Helicopters Heliport

Tumwater, Washington, United States 87 km (47 nm) NNE