Airports near Thomson Field

Airports 201 to 250

closed airport marker

Peekskill Seaplane Base

Peekskill, New York, United States 75 km (40 nm) SW

seaplane base marker

Fetske Seaplane Base

Essex, Connecticut, United States 75 km (40 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Stanton Airport

New Paltz, New York, United States 75 km (40 nm) W


small airport marker

Devils Hopyard Field

East Haddam, Connecticut, United States 75 km (41 nm) ESE

small airport marker

Kobelt Airport

Wallkill, New York, United States 76 km (41 nm) W


small airport marker

Skis Landing Area Airport

Colchester, Connecticut, United States 76 km (41 nm) E

heliport marker

Spring Lake Fire Department Heliport

Kingston, New York, United States 76 km (41 nm) WNW

heliport marker

TLI Heliport

Ossining, New York, United States 76 km (41 nm) SW

heliport marker

Parker's Landing Heliport

Gardiner, New York, United States 76 km (41 nm) W

closed airport marker

Stony Point Seaplane Base

Stony Point, New York, United States 77 km (41 nm) SW

heliport marker

St Charles Hospital Heliport

Port Jefferson, New York, United States 77 km (41 nm) S

heliport marker

Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Co Heliport

Springfield, Massachusetts, United States 77 km (41 nm) NE

small airport marker

Baines Airport

Middlefield, Massachusetts, United States 77 km (41 nm) NNE

small airport marker

Gardiner Airport

Gardiner, New York, United States 77 km (41 nm) W

closed airport marker

Grassy Point Seaplane Base

Haverstraw, New York, United States 77 km (42 nm) SW

heliport marker

Massaro Heliport

Carmel, New York, United States 78 km (42 nm) SW

heliport marker

Mather Hospital Heliport

Port Jefferson, New York, United States 78 km (42 nm) S

seaplane base marker

Lord Creek Seaplane Base

Lyme, Connecticut, United States 78 km (42 nm) ESE

heliport marker

Westchester Medical Center Heliport

Valhalla, New York, United States 78 km (42 nm) SW

heliport marker

Bowline Point Heliport

Haverstraw, New York, United States 78 km (42 nm) SW

heliport marker

Haverstraw Heliport

Haverstraw, New York, United States 78 km (42 nm) SW

heliport marker

Johnson Memorial Hospital Heliport

Hartford, Connecticut, United States 78 km (42 nm) ENE

heliport marker

Vamc Heliport

Northport, New York, United States 78 km (42 nm) S

small airport marker

Sheeley's Farm Airport

High Falls, New York, United States 78 km (42 nm) WNW


heliport marker

Regeneron Campus Heliport

North Tarrytown, New York, United States 79 km (42 nm) SW

heliport marker

Old Saybrook Heliport

Old Saybrook, Connecticut, United States 79 km (42 nm) ESE

heliport marker

Old Saybrook Police Heliport

Old Saybrook, Connecticut, United States 79 km (42 nm) ESE

heliport marker

Mohonk Mountain House Heliport

New Paltz, New York, United States 79 km (43 nm) W

heliport marker

Bradway Pond Heliport

Stafford Springs, Connecticut, United States 80 km (43 nm) ENE

heliport marker

East Farm Heliport

Head Of The Harbor, New York, United States 80 km (43 nm) S

small airport marker

Klaverack Airport

Hudson, New York, United States 80 km (43 nm) NNW

heliport marker

Dow Jones Heliport

Chicopee, Massachusetts, United States 80 km (43 nm) NE

heliport marker

Stony Brook University Hospital Heliport

Stony Brook, New York, United States 80 km (43 nm) S

small airport marker

Strip in the Woods Airport

Woodstock, New York, United States 81 km (43 nm) WNW

closed airport marker

Flowerfield Airport

Stony Brook, New York, United States 81 km (43 nm) S

heliport marker

Laminated Heliport

Holyoke, Massachusetts, United States 81 km (43 nm) NE

closed airport marker

Gyrodyne Company Heliport

Stony Brook, New York, United States 81 km (43 nm) S

closed airport marker

Gyrodyne Tethering Pad

Stony Brook, New York, United States 81 km (44 nm) S

closed airport marker

Vanderbilt Seaplane Base

Centerport, New York, United States 81 km (44 nm) S

heliport marker

Chicopee Heliport

Chicopee, Massachusetts, United States 81 km (44 nm) NE

closed airport marker

Gardner Lake Airport

Colchester, Connecticut, United States 81 km (44 nm) E

closed airport marker

Swift Airport

Stafford Springs, Connecticut, United States 82 km (44 nm) ENE

closed airport marker

SBM Heliport

Stony Brook, New York, United States 82 km (44 nm) S

heliport marker

Amar Heliport

Stony Point, New York, United States 82 km (44 nm) WSW

heliport marker

Benbyre Farm Heliport

Alligerville, New York, United States 82 km (44 nm) WNW

heliport marker

Kwp Heliport

Hurley, New York, United States 82 km (44 nm) WNW

heliport marker

Stone Ridge Heliport

Stone Ridge, New York, United States 82 km (44 nm) WNW

heliport marker

Windham Hospital Heliport

Willimantic, Connecticut, United States 82 km (44 nm) E

small airport marker

Blueberry Hill Airport

Washington, Massachusetts, United States 82 km (44 nm) N

closed airport marker

TNT Heliport

Salem, Connecticut, United States 82 km (44 nm) ESE