Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Qasr al Watan Lawn Heliport
Closest report is Al Bateen Executive Airport, 8.3 nm (15.3 km) ESE.
2024/09/16 11:00 (retrieved 1 hour ago)
OMAD 161100Z 34010KT CAVOK 39/18 Q1003 NOSIG
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Qasr al Watan Lawn Heliport
Closest forecast is Al Bateen Executive Airport, 8.3 nm (15.3 km) ESE.
2024/09/16 12:06 (retrieved 4 minutes ago)
TAF TAF OMAD 161100Z 1612/1718 34010KT CAVOK BECMG 1616/1618 05005KT BECMG 1702/1704 16010KT BECMG 1709/1710 34012KT BECMG 1715/1717 04005KT