Airports near Fort McMurray / Mildred Lake Airport

Airports 401 to 450

closed airport marker

Dent Lake Airport

Coronation, Alberta, Canada 575 km (310 nm) S

small airport marker

Big Bend Airport

Innisfail, Alberta, Canada 575 km (310 nm) SSW

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closed airport marker

Grande Cache Airport

Grande Cache, Alberta, Canada 576 km (311 nm) SW


small airport marker

Radisson Airport

Radisson, Saskatchewan, Canada 577 km (311 nm) SSE


seaplane base marker

Fort St. John (Charlie Lake) Seaplane Base

Charlie Lake, British Columbia, Canada 579 km (313 nm) W


small airport marker

Pelican Narrows Airport

Pelican Narrows, Saskatchewan, Canada 580 km (313 nm) ESE


closed airport marker

Innisfail Hospital Heliport

Innisfail, Alberta, Canada 580 km (313 nm) SSW


closed airport marker

Tompkins Mile 54 Airport

Fort St. John, British Columbia, Canada 581 km (314 nm) W

small airport marker

Mud Butte Airport

Monitor, Alberta, Canada 583 km (314 nm) S

heliport marker

Nordegg / Ahlstrom Heliport

Nordegg, Alberta, Canada 583 km (315 nm) SSW

closed airport marker

Smeaton Airport

Saskatchewan, Canada 584 km (315 nm) SE

small airport marker

Fort Providence Airport

Fort Providence, Northwest Territories, Canada 585 km (315 nm) NNW


closed airport marker

Bowden Airport

Innisfail, Alberta, Canada 585 km (316 nm) SSW

closed airport marker

Anchor J Ranches Airport

Hemaruka, Alberta, Canada 587 km (317 nm) S

closed airport marker

Caroline Airfield

Alberta, Canada 587 km (317 nm) SSW

closed airport marker

Fort Providence Water Aerodrome

Fort Providence, Northwest Territories, Canada 589 km (318 nm) NNW

small airport marker

Kerrobert Airport

Kerrobert, Saskatchewan, Canada 591 km (319 nm) SSE

closed airport marker

Beatton River Airport

British Columbia, Canada 592 km (320 nm) W


small airport marker

New Brigden Northwest Number 2 Airport

New Brigden, Alberta, Canada 593 km (320 nm) S

small airport marker

New Brigden Northwest Number 1 Airport

New Brigden, Alberta, Canada 594 km (320 nm) S

closed airport marker

Sedalia Northeast Airport

Sedalia, Alberta, Canada 594 km (321 nm) S

seaplane base marker

Sandy Bay Seaplane Base

Saskatchewan, Canada 595 km (321 nm) ESE

seaplane base marker

Lutselk'e Seaplane Base

Łutselk'e, Northwest Territories, Canada 596 km (321 nm) N

closed airport marker

New Brigden Northeast Airport

New Brigden, Alberta, Canada 596 km (321 nm) S

small airport marker

Olds / North 40 Ranch Airstrip

Alberta, Canada 596 km (322 nm) SSW


small airport marker

Birch Hills Airport

Birch Hills, Saskatchewan, Canada 596 km (322 nm) SE


small airport marker

Sandy Bay Airport

Sandy Bay, Saskatchewan, Canada 597 km (322 nm) ESE


closed airport marker

New Brigden West Airport

New Brigden, Alberta, Canada 597 km (322 nm) S

small airport marker

Brochet Airport

Brochet, Manitoba, Canada 598 km (323 nm) ENE


small airport marker

Lutselk'e Airport

Lutselk'e, Northwest Territories, Canada 598 km (323 nm) N


small airport marker

Jan Lake Airport

Jan Lake, Saskatchewan, Canada 599 km (323 nm) ESE

small airport marker

New Brigden Airport

New Brigden, Alberta, Canada 599 km (323 nm) S

small airport marker

Helmet Airport

Helmet, British Columbia, Canada 600 km (324 nm) WNW


small airport marker

Olds (Netook) Airport

Olds, Alberta, Canada 600 km (324 nm) SSW

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heliport marker

Hanna District Ambulance Heliport

Hanna, Alberta, Canada 601 km (324 nm) S

small airport marker

Biggar Airport

Biggar, Saskatchewan, Canada 602 km (325 nm) SSE


closed airport marker

Sherman Meadows Airport

Greenview, Alberta, Canada 602 km (325 nm) WSW


small airport marker

Hanna Airport

Hanna, Alberta, Canada 603 km (325 nm) S

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closed airport marker

Guliker Field

Hague, Saskatchewan, Canada 604 km (326 nm) SE

seaplane base marker

Namushka Lodge Seaplane Base

Northwest Territories, Canada 604 km (326 nm) N

heliport marker

Three Hills (Hospital) Heliport

Three Hills, Alberta, Canada 604 km (326 nm) S

small airport marker

Three Hills Airport

Three Hills, Alberta, Canada 605 km (326 nm) S

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closed airport marker

Beaulieu River Airport

Northwest Territories, Canada 605 km (326 nm) N

closed airport marker

Richdale Airport

Richdale, Alberta, Canada 605 km (326 nm) S

heliport marker

Olds (Hospital) Heliport

Olds, Alberta, Canada 606 km (327 nm) SSW

small airport marker

North of Sixty Airport

Obre Lake, Northwest Territories, Canada 607 km (327 nm) NE

small airport marker

Ojay Airport

Peace River, British Columbia, Canada 607 km (327 nm) WSW

seaplane base marker

Obre Lake/North of Sixty Seaplane Base

Northwest Territories, Canada 607 km (328 nm) NE

closed airport marker

Skocdopole Farms Airport

Alberta, Canada 608 km (328 nm) SSW

small airport marker

Clearwater River Airport

Caroline, Alberta, Canada 610 km (329 nm) SSW