Old Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport [CLOSED]

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OurAirports members at CN-0001

Old Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport is not the home base for any OurAirports members. It has had 3 visitors.

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Thank god it closed

Good thing that old airport closed. It was too small, difficult approach, and short runway. It couldn't be expanded because of building surrounding the airport. So it was replaced by the new airport in 2004 and is following a similar fate as Kai Tak Airport, to be redeveloped into something else. And have any pictures of the passenger terminal and facilities?

Picture of ptomblin


The word "Baiyun" means "white cloud", which is an inauspicious name for an airport. However, it makes a good name for a cockatiel: http://gallery.xcski.com/v/paulart/photo_contest/baiyun.jpg.html

Picture of david

Closed in 2004

This airport closed in 2004, and its name and airport codes transfered to the new airport 12 nm to the north: CAN ZGGG

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