Weather at Voelkleshofen-Lichtenberg Field

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Voelkleshofen-Lichtenberg Field

Closest report is Adolf Würth Airport, 18.1 nm (33.5 km) ENE.

2024/09/20 17:20 (retrieved 30 minutes ago)

EDTY 201720Z 10005KT CAVOK 18/11 Q1021

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Voelkleshofen-Lichtenberg Field

Closest forecast is Stuttgart Airport, 19.9 nm (36.8 km) SSW.

2024/09/20 12:27 (retrieved 5 hours ago)

TAF TAF EDDS 201100Z 2012/2112 07006KT CAVOK BECMG 2017/2019 VRB03KT TEMPO 2103/2107 1200 BR