Manchester Airport

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OurAirports members at MAN

Manchester Airport is the home base for 36 OurAirports members. It has had 321 visitors.

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Picture of Sam_Butler

Definition of "liquid"

Be aware of what is now considered 'liquid' and therefore subject to separate screening procedures and personal allowance when passing through security. This used to be my home airport, so I've flown to and from MAN on many occasions. This time however, clearing security at T1, a recorded message repeated saying that inhalers and deodorant are liquids. What I didn't realise is that even solid stick deodorant and powder inhalers are, apparently, "liquids". I challenged the staff on inspection and they told me there are three main English dictionaries: Oxford, Collins, and Manchester Airport. So even though literally nothing is actually liquid, they have this definition.

Picture of Dave1954cars


Great viewing facilities

Picture of airbuskeith



Picture of A330-300Fan


Great for spotting, and a great airport to be in while waiting for your flight to depart.. :)

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