Weather at AeroSidonia

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to AeroSidonia

Closest report is Jerez Airport, 19.2 nm (35.5 km) NNW.

2024/07/26 23:30 (retrieved 20 minutes ago)

LEJR 262330Z AUTO 20001KT 9000 NCD 21/19 Q1012

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to AeroSidonia

Closest forecast is Jerez Airport, 19.2 nm (35.5 km) NNW.

2024/07/26 21:26 (retrieved 2 hours ago)

TAF LEJR 262000Z 2621/2721 22010KT CAVOK TX33/2714Z TN21/2705Z BECMG 2621/2623 VRB02KT PROB30 TEMPO 2703/2708 4000 BR BKN006 BECMG 2712/2714 22010KT BECMG 2719/2721 VRB02KT