CLOSED Kaunas Gamykla Airfield
Kaunas, Kaunas County, Lithuania

Changes to EYKG

2020-12-30 04:49:59



The last remaining helicopter activities were - rather logically - moved to nearby Aleksotas, if I understand that all right. The site would now be under re-development.

Changed keywords from "EYKG" to ""

2020-12-30 04:49:59



The last remaining helicopter activities were - rather logically - moved to nearby Aleksotas, if I understand that all right. The site would now be under re-development.

Changed keywords from "EYKG, EYKG" to "EYKG"

2020-12-30 04:49:59



The last remaining helicopter activities were - rather logically - moved to nearby Aleksotas, if I understand that all right. The site would now be under re-development.

Changed gps_code from "" to "EYKG"

2020-12-30 04:49:59



The last remaining helicopter activities were - rather logically - moved to nearby Aleksotas, if I understand that all right. The site would now be under re-development.

2020-12-30 04:49:59



The last remaining helicopter activities were - rather logically - moved to nearby Aleksotas, if I understand that all right. The site would now be under re-development.

2020-12-30 04:49:59



The last remaining helicopter activities were - rather logically - moved to nearby Aleksotas, if I understand that all right. The site would now be under re-development.

Changed type from "small_airport" to "closed"
Changed gps_code from "EYKG" to ""
Changed keywords from "" to "EYKG, EYKG"

2019-02-18 02:27:52



(no change comment)

Changed name from "Kaunas Gamykla Airport" to "Kaunas Gamykla Airfield"

2009-02-10 10:38:44



(no change comment)

Changed name from "Kaunas Gamykla L Airport" to "Kaunas Gamykla Airport"
Changed municipality from "" to "Kaunas"

2008-12-30 09:19:52



Region updates

2008-06-13 14:30:04

Anonymous flyer


Initial version

Kaunas Gamykla L Airport