Public forecast
Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of Meteomatics.
Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Kazlų Rūda Air Base
Closest report is Kaunas International Airport, 21.3 nm (39.4 km) ENE.
2025/02/17 19:50 (retrieved 16 minutes ago)
EYKA 171950Z 23008KT 9999 -SN OVC010 M03/M05 Q1019
Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Kazlų Rūda Air Base
Closest forecast is Kaunas International Airport, 21.3 nm (39.4 km) ENE.
2025/02/17 18:04 (retrieved 2 hours ago)
TAF EYKA 171700Z 1718/1818 24010KT 9000 OVC010 TEMPO 1718/1724 1500 SHSN BKN005 BKN015CB TEMPO 1800/1807 0800 +SHSN BKN002 BKN015CB BECMG 1809/1811 31010KT SCT010 BKN020 TEMPO 1811/1815 BKN015CB