Vereeniging Airport

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OurAirports members at FAVV

Vereeniging Airport is the home base for 3 OurAirports members. It has had 9 visitors.

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Picture of SO-FLY

Runway 03 and 33 Right Hand Circuits

Stay to Northern/Eastern sides while Flying circuits.

Power lines on approach to RWY 03 and 33

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My son whom is in Grade 11 has a school assisgnment which needs to be completed during the upcoming school holidays. The assisgnment is to find work in his envisioned career path and enter the career environment in a "hands on" situation for one week, so that he can gain insight into the realities and demands of the world in work. His dream is to be a pilot when he finishes school.

The employer would not need to renumerate him, but will be required to provide the school with a written report regarding his behaviour and progress.

Could you please assist him with a position which will be invaluable to me child in preparing him for his future.

Please contact me on 0799335995 or on email

Thanking you sincerely,

Naomi Campbell

Could you please assist him

Picture of


Good day this is Mpho, i just need to know that do you allow site visits. I would like to bring my kids to view the airport because it is nearer to were we stay. what are the requirements? is there any specific date to come and visit?

I hope you will find this in order. hope to hear from you.

Kind regards

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