Changes to GB-0453
2024-06-16 21:52:02
(no change comment)
Changed keywords
from "RAF Willingale"
to "RAF Chipping Ongar, RAF Willingale"
2024-06-16 21:51:41
(no change comment)
Changed municipality
from ""
to "Ongar, Essex"
Changed keywords
from ""
to "RAF Willingale"
Changed zoom
from "14"
to "15"
2016-10-23 05:36:32
(no change comment)
Changed region_code
from "AE-U-A"
to "GB-ENG"
Changed region_name
from "(unassigned)"
to "England"
Changed region_local_code
from "U-A"
to "ENG"
Changed country_code
from "AE"
to "GB"
Changed country_name
from "United Arab Emirates"
to "United Kingdom"