Weather at Aughrim Airstrip

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Aughrim Airstrip

Closest report is George Best Belfast City Airport, 32.1 nm (59.4 km) N.

2024/07/26 23:20 (retrieved 28 minutes ago)

EGAC 262320Z AUTO 16004KT 9999 NCD 13/12 Q1009

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Aughrim Airstrip

Closest forecast is Belfast International Airport, 34.4 nm (63.7 km) N.

2024/07/26 19:45 Ammendment (retrieved 4 hours ago)

TAF AMD EGAA 261939Z 2619/2718 22007KT 9999 FEW030 TEMPO 2619/2621 6000 SHRA PROB30 TEMPO 2619/2621 4000 +SHRA TEMPO 2708/2712 BKN012 TEMPO 2709/2718 6000 SHRA