Weather at Portree Community Helipad

Public forecast

Using degrees Celsius for public forecast. Weather courtesy of

Closest aviation weather report (METAR) to Portree Community Helipad

Closest report is Benbecula Airport, 37.2 nm (68.9 km) W.

2024/09/19 14:50 (retrieved 2 hours ago)

EGPL 191450Z 32004KT CAVOK 17/11 Q1030

Closest aviation forecast (TAF) to Portree Community Helipad

Closest forecast is RAF Lossiemouth, 94.2 nm (174.5 km) ENE.

2024/09/19 15:00 (retrieved 1 hour ago)

TAF EGQS 191354Z 1915/2009 03008KT CAVOK PROB30 TEMPO 1922/2003 0500 FG VV/// PROB30 TEMPO 2003/2008 3000 VCFG SCT004