Changes to OUD, GMFO
2022-09-13 14:05:13
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Angads Airport"
to "Oujda Angads Airport"
Changed municipality
from "Oujda"
to "Ahl Angad"
Changed latitude_deg
from "34.7872"
to "34.7896"
Changed longitude_deg
from "-1.92399"
to "-1.92604"
Changed wikipedia_link
from ""
to ""
Changed keywords
from ""
to "Oujda Airfield"
2008-06-13 14:30:04
Anonymous flyer
Initial version
Changed wikipedia_link
from ""
to ""
Changed region_code
from "MA-OUJ"
to ""
Changed region_name
from "Oujda Province"
to ""
Changed region_local_code
from "OUJ"
to ""
Changed country_code
from "MA"
to ""
Changed country_name
from "Morocco"
to ""
2008-06-13 14:30:04
Anonymous flyer
Initial version