Changes to PAF, HUPA
2022-01-14 18:19:12
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Pakuba Airfield / Kabalega Falls Airport"
to "Kabalega Falls Airport"
Changed municipality
from "Kabalega Falls"
to "Pakuba"
2022-01-14 18:16:56
(no change comment)
Changed name
from "Pakuba Airfield"
to "Pakuba Airfield / Kabalega Falls Airport"
2021-05-08 21:40:53
(no change comment)
Changed latitude_deg
from "2.32639"
to "2.32656"
Changed longitude_deg
from "31.4978"
to "31.4977"
2016-05-24 19:44:09
(no change comment)
Changed region_code
from "UG-W"
to ""
Changed region_name
from "Western Region"
to ""
Changed region_local_code
from "W"
to ""
Changed country_code
from "UG"
to ""
Changed country_name
from "Uganda"
to ""
2015-08-25 09:43:21
Note what Wikipedia says in the Pakuba Airfield article: "It should be noted that on a considerable number of cartographic material (including Wikimapia, Google Maps, and others) Pakuba Airfield is falsely denoted as "Kabalega Falls Airport". (With "Kabalega Falls" being a now disused designation for "Murchison Falls".) There are, in fact, two distinct airfields within the boundaries of Murchison Falls National Park: The one on the northern bank of the River Nile is called Pakuba Airfield.[3] The second one, located approximately 15km to the south-east on the southern banks of the Nile, is named Bugungu Airstrip. [4] Hence, there is currently no aeronautical facility by the name "Kabalega Falls Airport" and the aforementioned geographical references should be updated accordingly.
Changed name
from "Kabalega Falls Airport"
to "Pakuba Airfield"
Changed iata_code
from "KBG"
to "PAF"
Changed gps_code
from "HUKF"
to "HUPA"
Changed wikipedia_link
from ""
to ""